Wednesday, December 05, 2007


I realise I've been staying at home pretty much lately. It's probably due to the fact that I'm currently taking a break from choir right now and that I've been limiting myself to using the computer only during the day (thus no chance to go online at night when everyone is online to make plans for any outings.) Also, even when I do go out, I return home pretty early. I don't know why I'm becoming so anti-social all of a sudden. Oh well, hope more people will plan some outings soon.

So due to my recent state of solitude, I've borrowed 8 books from the library. And I've also cleaned up the mess in my room. Besides that, I've started on revising maths. Yes I feel like such a good, hardworking kid now. I'm planning to revise maths properly, such that when next year comes, I'll have a solid enough foundation to catch up with the horribly tough JC maths.

Actually, I feel rather comfortable being reclusive. It feels good to have some alone time to read books and to catch up on some work. Yes and the fact that I'm preventing myself from going online at night allows me to sleep earlier (because I won't stay up late talking to people).

Anyway, I went out today for lunch. Although I only met the person for about one hour, I still had fun. At least I'm not totally cut off from my friends. It feels good to anticipate meeting someone and knowing that you'll have fun no matter what. It's a really comforting feeling and I feel that that's what being friends is all about. I know you won't be reading this anytime soon but when you do, I wanna say THANK YOU for being such a great friend. :D

Well, I'm looking forward to meeting the YearTwos again. I realised that I didn't go out with them for the past three outings. No wonder it feels like I haven't seen them for ages. Oh well, I'll make sure I turn up for the next few outings.

And also, I want to meet the class again! I know I just saw them last Saturday, but one can never get too much a good thing, right? :D Well, hope to catch The Golden Compass with them. Let's see how the response goes.

Sometimes I really hate blogging because I've to be careful about what I say(knowing that therer are many people who are reading this). Having to use veiled words and hidden meanings to convey a message to another person is really torturous. Sigh.

I shall be off to read my numerous books again. Goodbye.

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