Friday, February 29, 2008

And I bid You Adios.

06v11 Outing on Sunday to catch DimSum: A History of Singapore. The play was okay, the company made it great though :) I had fun that day, really missed 06v11. It just feels so comfortable being there, that sense of belonging is something I haven't felt in a long time. It was fun catching up with the girls at New York New York, with us all camwhoring, and suaning each other :) I had fun snatching the DS from Jerald at Macs and Elroy said some funny things again ;) and the way Jerald and I were trying to niao Quek to go to Bedok with us was just plain stupid haha. I know this sounds incoherant, but it was just all the small things that made my day. Yeap hope there'll be more chances for class outings. 06v11 is the love.


Sistas Outing yesterday to celebrate Zhuofei's birthday :) Ate at central. It was fun how Sherry and I kept suaning each other.. 看脸的。。HAHA :) And it was really nolstagic how we still kept to our tradition of calling each other to eat and saying grace before eating. Yeah the whole 大姐吃,二姐吃。。 thing was cheesy but heart warming at the same time. It was just really cool how we can still have fun together after being seperated for 2 whole years now. Hope we'll really have our barcelona trip :) <3


The only thing constant is Change, how cliche.

And yet, that is absolutely true, for you, of all people, are changing. You, whom I've always thought to be steadfast in your opinions and thinking, are changing, changing into this person that I feel is exactly the kind of person you abhorred in the past. Why is this happening to you? I thought you were special, that you were not like them at all, but now, it seems that you're becoming more and more like them. It's disappointing, and what's worse is that I feel so helpless, because there's nothing I can do to stop this.

It took us such a long time to build up this friendship, and now it's going to waste, cos you've change, and you don't care anymore. Perhaps it was all one-sided, maybe I painted too perfect a picture of you, and I thought you cared when you didn't. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

And you. Perhaps I've never known you for who you are, that I only knew a side of you. And now, it doesn't feel good to hear so much about you, to hear that you are not the person whom I knew you to be. I don't want to hear one-sided stories, I want to hear what you've got to say, but how? How do I do that when we hardly talk anymore, when we seem like strangers? You don't seem to want to try, so what am I supposed to do?

Goodbye my friends.

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