Saturday, July 01, 2006

i hate my father

FUCK. i am so mother fucking angry, i dont know where to start. ok fine, let me start with my father.

HE IS THE MOST IDIOTIC AND SICKENING PERSON IVE EVER KNOWN. unreasonable freak. 'dont make me leave you all'. that he says all the time. i dont ever see that happening. yah maybe he'll get killed or something, jump off the building or whatever, but come on, i've already experienced the death of my mum. do you think i freaking care if he dies. ok maybe i'll care about the financial part, cos i dont know where im gonna get my money from. but then, yah that's about it. i dont love my dad. he says that he loves me, well maybe, but seriously, i hate him sometimes. and this is one of the times. i dont think i'll ever love my dad, yah i'll feel kinship for him, he IS my dad, but other than that, that's it. he's such a tyrant. freaking shit. he sucks. big time. i already went along with his wishes. and yet when i come home, he has to shout at me, everytime he just says 'one day i will leave you all', and then he told me to 'get out of the house'. fuck. i listened to him and came home, what else does he want. had i known, i wouldnt have come back home. what's wrong with going out all day? its not like i neglected my studies. COME ON. i got 70.3% for my CA. what else does he want.

AND YOU. mother fuck. got me so freaking pissed. damn shit. i care about you alright. but yet you give me this type of tone. who do you think you are. its not the first time. what's wrong with caring for a friend? im so concerned about you and you dont appreciate it. and you gave me that freaking sarcastic tone. what's your mother big problem. my problem is always with you, what's wrong. why is all these shit happening. i was so happy, but yet YOU had to spoil my day. if you dont appreciate what i do, fine, that's it, i've had enough. ARGH. i dont even feel like THINKING about you now. you just make my life miserable.

MY LIFE IS SO SCREWED UP. I HATE MY FAMILY. my sister, she sucks, my brother, he's nice but he's quite ap. im not even close to my extended family. maybe IM the failure in life. i do well in academics, but other than that, i fail in everything else i do. why cant i be a goody two shoes and listen to my dad all the time so that he will love me, like my sister. but wait, who wants him to love me? i dont seriously give a damn about it. the thing is that i've had enough of him. i really had enough of it. and my friends? even more screwed up, VIP? i have NO FRIENDS, except for maybe people like althea, yiling and alicea. CHOIR? yes i have friends, but i dont fit in, they are afterall all older than me. and recently ive been having all these moodswings. i dont even feel like going out with them now.

maybe im the one who should go and jump off the building. the world would be a better place without me.

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