Wednesday, November 09, 2005

2B chalet again!

haha just came back 2 hr ago from the 2B class chalet! hehe.

it was quite fun larhs. haha sang karaoke for the WHOLE day. and shunjie and manching were like sleeping? haha cos they dint catch their sleep last night. they were too scared of the OLD changi hospital i think. LOL.

oh and they saw shooting stars! when they were watching the sunrise. OMG rite? i've never ever seen a shooting star in my whole life! and junya actually saw THREE! omgomg!

yupps and im starting to fall in love with audrey! today's chalet the food was really OMG. there was a BIG plate of fruits, a big plate of cocktail jelly, SUSHI, some rice thingy with tuna on top, beehoon, satay, marshmallows, PLUS barbequed food! omg rites? just the thought of it makes people salivate. it was really one of the best chalet food i ever had. and most of it is done by audrey. REALLY she rocks can, rocks to the maxest core. she did all the sushi thingy and the rice thingy, the jelly also she do one i think. its like, WOW. oh and mingquan fried the beehoon too! (:

yupps. audrey rocks to the maxest core okay. she put in ALOT of effort into this chalet. and she even did the xmas decorations for the chalet, although christmas is more than a month away, but its really the thought that counts. (:

so i most proclaim, i LOVE audrey! and i really love singing with audrey ks. she sings VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY well oks. and is really NO zao sia one knows. and she harmonises veryveryvery well! omgosh can, it feels so nice singing with audrey. got this very shuang feeling. haha. love my leeweisong! haha.

yupps and really must give a lot of thanks to the many people who put in so much effort into the chalet, people like mingquan, junya, gero, audrey etc. they were the ones who made this chalet possible. THANK YALL SO MUCH!

yupps so anyways, i had a great time at this chalet. was one of the best i ever attended. haha, partly cos i got to sing whole day. lalala. but i think i was like hogging onto the mike? im really sorry oks!

and the food really really rocks! heehee took alot of crap photos too! LOL, cool rite.
oh and ms ng, ms seow, and ms yeo came! so happy. and ms ng and ms seow sing really really well lor! really is ren bu ke mao xiang. heehee. the teachers are so fun oks! and i even hugged ms yeo! yay yay! haha. (:

oh and i finally managed to sing my wuding. (: with wendy first and with winki nxt. both of which are disasters i think. haha. but it was still fun(:

yupps. love all the 2b people. take care everyone. i really will miss yall! (:

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