Monday, January 22, 2007


let me tell you all a story.

once upon a time, there were three people. A, B, and C.
A and B were originally very very good friends.
and A and C were originally normal friends who could get along well with each other.
however, one day,
B and C started getting closer.
and A was jealous because B started neglecting her.
thus, A started to dislike C and to start to avoid her.
C, sensing that something was wrong, went to A and tried to ask her what happened.
obviously, A did not know how to put it and thus did not want to talk to C about it.
worried, C decided to go to B to ask about why A was being so cold.
B, knowing the exact reasons why, decided to scold A about her behaviour as B thought it was wrong and unfair to C.
A, having already been irritated, thus got angrier at C as A was angry about B scolding A for C.
thus, the problem worsened.

in the end,
after a lot of complications.
B and C got very close to each other.
and B decided to leave A.
B found that A was very unlikable and thus decided to tell A the exact reasons.
A, having found out that B actually disliked A, felt hurt and thus was very upset about losing the friendship.
however, A decided to let the matter rest and to not bother about it anymore because there was nothing A could do to change B's mind.
however, A still cared very much for B and thus still continued to msg B to ask about B's stuff etc. B was however, unresponsive and in other words, heartless.
meanwhile, B and C got very close.

recently, C stopped talking to B, and A, being concerned for B, decided to tell B that no matter what happened, A would still be there for B.
instead, B said that although B knew that A cared, he cared about C.
A thus realised that something was wrong and decided to ask B what A did wrong again.
B then accused A of telling everyone about the A, B and C problem and of asking A's friends to ostracize and talk bad about B and C.
A was thus very indignant and irritated as A had did nothing of that sort.
thus, A went about to convince B that A was not that sort of person, but B remained unmoved.

next, here comes person D.
A realised that D was drifting away from A.
and thus decided to msg D to ask about what A had done wrong.
D replied to say that D was just treating A the same way as what A had been treating C.
A got a big shock as she did not know that D knew about this matter.
in other words, D was angry with A because of C.
A was thus very sad that another friendship was lost.

after mulling about the problem for some time.
A realised that she was wrong to have wronged C about A's loss of friendships.
it was not C's fault that C had made friends with B and D.
instead, it was B's fault for having neglected A and A should not have channelled all the hurt and anger onto C.
thus, A realised that A did not actually disliked C and wanted to resolve the problem between C.
thus, A decided to tell C that A was sorry about her actions.
C however, has been hurt very much by A.
and thus did not want to accept A's apology.
therefore, A decided to not push C, but to instead, tell C that she really has realised her wrongdoings. A thus hopes that C would forgive her.

meanwhile, A does not wish to bother B and D anymore, and wishes that the problem will wash away with time.

the above story is from a biased perspective.
and please do not judge anyone after reading this post.
the above story is just an informative narrative to talk about the problem.

people who are not involved in this,
one word of advice,
stay out of this.


i want to thank everyone for the care and concern they have showed me.
it is really very appreciated (:

perhaps its wrong of me to have posted this here for everyone to see.
but i guess since everyone is hearing stuff abotu this.
why not i present a more accurate viewpoint of this issue.


ciao, bella ciao.

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