Monday, June 27, 2005

to zhiqian

hahas. here's a second entry dedicated to someone. after the one i dedicated to selina.

here's to my everdearest.

*drumrolls*[gupped de]


hahas. zhiqian is my dearest dearest laogong. i love her the most most most. hahas.

hmm. i sat wid her in the 2nd term. and then we'll gossip and gossip abt stuffs. hahas. and i realise wad a sentimental person she is! just lke me(: hahas. whee cans. hahas.

lilaoshi suspects dat we hv something on. cos sometimes i'll lie on zhiqian's shoulder. in chi class. hahas. den lilaoshi will look at us wid the weird look and turn away. HAHAHAS. she so grossed out can. hahas. den everytime we'll do this. like so fun cans. hahas. omgosh we can go and be actresses le. hahas. we are SO PRO at acting! whee. hahas.

yupps. zhiqian is a real sweet and caring gurl/guy who is always there for me. hahas. i tell her the most things and the first person i look for to share abt my days are always my laogong! hahas. my laogong rocks! whee.

hahas. however. my laogong actly has a second wife! and tat's yuxuan. humph. like how can she be liddat hurrhur. hahas. i not enuff mehmehh? hahas. still want a second one. humph! somemore horr write postcard for the second wife hor actly ask ME the FIRSTWIFE to pass to her. humph. my laogong so horrigible terrigible vegetable! hahas. but nvm. now i got a second laogong le! and that's my edison chen! hahas. nxt time i write postcard for edison i ask my laogong to pass it to him! hahas.

laogong really rocks and she writes nicenice postcards for me. like so cool cans. hahas. although i write for her too. but dat's besides the point. hahas.

and laogong always lets me drink from her water bottle cos my bottle owaes no water. hahas. cos hse nv cook water! hahas. no water to drink lorr. lol. hahas.

laogong wants to treat me to a drink tmr! whee~ i shall start thinking of an exex drink to make her buy for me! hahas. nah jkjk. laogong dunnid to bother abt it ok!((:

and oso. laogong wants to sit behind me nxt term. hahas. let's chiong and gupp our seats tmr cans! whoots.

hahas. and laogong is not so hiao to go and wear contacts! hahas. whoots.

and laogong is so blur to actly type in the wrong conv! hahas. so cutes.

i totally totally heart my laogong to bits.

she's my everdearest.

i cant live without her.

i love her like siao.


we'll be loving forever!(:

dun hack me up wid a hacksaw arh!

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