Monday, July 28, 2008

Life these days with the Choir Year1s has been getting better.

Haha everyone went crazy today in the choir room, at about 5++pm. Haha Wan Ping, Cedric, Steven, Pock Thong, Jia Sheng, Abel and Sherman. We all went crazy in our own way, yeah even me. Haha, which resulted in a whole lot of hysterical laughter :D Super fun, in my opinion. Haha, will treasure these Year 1 days that we have. :)

Yay can't wait for Thursday, hope everyone will be able to go. Then it will be super duper fun :)

Oh and one more thing, just a random musing, but it's pretty heartwarming to enter the choir room in the morning to see it packed with Year1s :D Although they're pretty darn noisy and no one can sleep inside, but it's nice seeing everyone there and just crapping and talking nonsense with them haha. :) STILL, that doesnt mean we should continue to make so much noise though. Must spare a thought for the Year Twos!

Life's been getting more stressful too, work's been piling up. So many things going on at the same time. Choir meetings yet to be scheduled, H3 lessons starting, teachers becoming more strict with their lessons, PW taking on a more xiong turn, plus everyone else suddenly transforming into a mugger. Kinda scary, but exciting too haha.

Just Acia and Night Festival at National Museum with my favourite girls <3

Still yet to blog about my Wales trip =/ Think I might just lose that drive in the end. Bleah.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Ah I still want to blog about Wales, but I've really got no time.


Here's a bit of eyecandy first.

Outing today with my darlings today was good.
So sorry for being late! :(
Lazy to upload photo cos Alicea's still sending me now. So haha, check their blogs or something.
Okay that's all tata I've still got meeting minutes to do haha.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Li bu Cong Xin.

Argh, I've been meaning to blog about the Wales trip, but I simply don't have the time!

Meetings every other day, plus tons of work to finish up = No Time At All.

I promise myself I really will sit down and blog about Wales properly. But there simply isn't enough time at this moment.

So much to handle now, argh.
Catching up with work, DSA admin stuff, Exco (+Musico meetings), Vsparks, PW.

Shall go back to reading my notes now. Tata.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Finally Back.

Firstly, I would like to say sorry to the seniors for letting all of you down. Thank you all for being so proud of us when we didn't manage to achieve what we were supposed to.

Next, I would like to say a big thank you to the Year twos who came on this trip. Sacrificing two weeks of lessons in Year Two to go with the choir for this competition is a huge decision to make, and it was pretty selfless of all of you to have done so much for us. Thank you all for putting in so much for the choir. Like what Mr Kwei said, we really treasure all of you, from the bottom of our hearts. You guys have demonstrated the true spirit of VJchoir - No Man Is An Island. So thank you all very very much.

Lastly, to the Year Ones, we have so much to do and accomplish. It's time we all reflected on our attitudes, and our commitment to the choir. VJchoir is not just any choir, that is something that should be imbued into us from Day One. If you don't already know that, shame on you, and get that into your head asap. We will bring glory back next year, and this is something that we all need to strive towards, together. This is only the start of our VJchoir journey together, let us all achieve what we know we are capable of achieving. We shouldn't wait till it's too late to regret. Let there be no more regrets next year. Year Ones, we can do this:)

Just as a last note, I would like to say this to those who are disgruntled about whatever's been mentioned on this trip.
It is a fact that you guys abandoned us for this trip. You know for yourself if you chose not to come on this trip. Don't be angry just cause your name was mentioned. Even if Mr Kwei didn't say that, the choir knows that deep down inside too. You weren't blamed entirely for our failure, but you guys have to face it, it is partly your fault too. We are one choir, and you guys chose to volunteringly leave us. You were valuable, whether you think this way or not. Mr Kwei didn't conveniently shift all the blame to you, he just mentioned you guys. He knew that we didn't perform well on stage and he scolded us for that. So you guys shouldn't just hear fragments of the story and start ranting about what he said when you don't even know what he actually said and meant. Besides, the fact that you guys are angry shows that you have a trace of 'guilty consciousness' in you doesn't it? Mr Kwei loves this choir, and we all love and respect him too, whatever he said was the truth and you guys know it yourself. It's time to reflect instead of getting angry about small things.

Oh well, other then the losing part.
This trip was a blast. :)
Will upload photos soon!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008